In NT theology the equivalent of the Cross. Both are raising devices upon which a sacrifice was bound and slaughtered for the redemption of the offeror. On the Day of Atonement, this sacrifice was made for the whole of the congregation of Israel. On crucifixion day, it is performed by God the Father for the whole world on the sacrifice of His Son. The meaning of both devices of death is God’s Word for this future agent of redemptive justice which is historically fulfilled, hence, messianic prophecy of Jesus Messiah.
Upon this “cross,” as with the sacrificial altar, was that sacrifice bound. The Son was willingly bound by the prescient Word of God to fulfill it. This is the epistemic challenge given to man’s moral judgment. Most of humanity will effectively render it as offensive and worthless as a basis for faith or true, but to a relatively small portion worthy of his own life to publish.
Messiah’s Person, and the righteous faith locus of God’s Word, must be murdered (Psalm 16:8–11, Isaiah 53, Psalms 22, Daniel 9:25–26) to supremely illustrate for all time that an essential sin of disbelief, relegation, apathy, and abuse of transcendent Truth, since it is the state of antithesis to Truth, is excised by this sin’s antithesis: love, faith, and devotion to the murdered Messiah of the murdered Truth by God and then by Man. Sin is forgiven not only by what sin is but by what is the Holy oppposite, and they are both sins of disbelief or belief. God allows his Son’s death, Truth, to die by the hand of religion but also by disbelief, which death is to the world confirmation of that their sin will continue happy and unchanged by interference from factual transcendent phenomena. God, however, vindicates himself, his Word and sin’s antithesis by supernaturally raising that Word from the dead (Pslams 16, Daniel 12:2-3, Isaiah 53:10–11, Jonah 1:17, Hosea 6:1–2) Therefore, the Prophetic Word of Messiah is established for all time, despite the carnal impulse, to stand as an ultimate standard and a rallying point for all conceptions of divine Truth and its believers.
Passing by Nehushtan INTRODUCTION I have composed a basic Bible dictionary to demonstrate its prophecentric nature. It is by this demonstration of its consistency that… Read More
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